Demag CC1800-1

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Heavy Dude
Level 2
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Messages: 14
Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Sam Aoû 13, 2011 10:02 am

Hi there,

Hereby some pictures to make clear how the side beams are connected and constructed.

By taking out two pins on the front of the upper structure you can pull the sides outwards.

Then you can pull the side to the back so it comes of a black 3l pin.
You can now look inside the body and make adjustments

The side beams interlock with the main body on some points to give it some extra strength.
The A-Frame is connected to the main body, so no hassle with unreeving the wires if you want to change the colours of the crane.
The outside then looks like this.

In this way it is very easy to change the colours of the crane and the power is transported horizontaly through the side beams.
As said, on the front the boom is connected to these beams and in the back the counterweight is hanging from it.

More to come on the crawlers later this weekend.


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Localisation: Montréal, Québec
Âge: 28 ans

Messagepar louisglacrosse » Dim Aoû 14, 2011 12:22 am

As you can easily change the crane colors, are you planning to buy other pieces, so your crane would be in the same color?
Like changing those side panels to red, so you’ll have the body of the crane all in red.

Are the crawlers finished or they're still in WIP?
Looking forward for the pictures. :)

Heavy Dude
Level 2
Level 2
Messages: 14
Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Dim Aoû 14, 2011 9:17 pm

Hi there,

The tracks are getting on their way, under here todays progress:

The tracks are powered by four XL motors and i have to say, it is pretty strong.

When the crane is to be transported the pads go up:

When the crane is ready for lifting the pads go down and lift up the complete crane, so even the crawlers act as counterweight:

A CC1800-1 NT doesn't exist, there is only the CC2800-1 NT, more info on this type of crane is found here:

@ Louisgracrosse, It is still WIP but it will stay in the red/yellow/black color, these are the colors of the following company which actually owns a CC2800-NT


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